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Ace Hardware Home Services Blog

What Does a Successful HVAC System Look Like?

This might be a strange blog topic, but stay with us. Most of the time we’ll use this blog to talk about air conditioning and heating problems that can cause homeowners a lot of stress. While this is usually a great idea, it can leave some people with the wrong impression.

We don’t want anyone to turn into a hypochondriac about their HVAC system, diagnosing every little noise or bump as a problem. This can lead customers to be unnecessarily anxious about their home and their comfort, and it can also lead them to spend more money than they need to. To prove to our customers just how trustworthy we are, we’d like to make sure that customers know what a good HVAC system looks and sounds like.

If you’re confident that your system is running smoothly, then don’t let anyone on the internet tell you otherwise. It’s okay to know what’s good and what’s bad, it’s your home after all! We’re just the experts you should call if you need help with your HVAC in Gastonia, NC.

It Sounds Like a Working Machine

Let’s start with the basics. A working air conditioner isn’t going to be silent, just like any other working appliance. But it shouldn’t sound loud or uncomfortable while it operates.

Your air conditioner, if it’s in good shape, should run in cycles that are sleek and quiet in the background. You’ll likely hear the sound of air whooshing through the vents of your home, or from the vent of a ductless mini split if that’s the system you have. Perhaps you’ll also hear the gentle whir of the compressor that’s hard at work trying to keep your home cool on a hot day.

Sometimes customers can hear the capacitors click when the system turns on or off, and this is totally normal. But any abnormal clicking, grinding, shaking, buzzing, or hissing should be looked at by a professional.

It Makes Your Home Comfortable

A good HVAC system will work hard to make your home as comfortable as possible. This means that on a hot day (or a cold day, if we’re talking about your heating unit), you can walk into your home and feel respite as the temperature is in a zone that’s comfortable.

Think about how much comfort affects your everyday life. It’s harder to destress or enjoy your hobbies if you’re constantly having to worry about the temperature of your home, and your HVAC system should help alleviate this issue.

It’s Easy to Control

Are you fighting with your thermostat every day just to get your HVAC system to work properly? Then this is a sign that your system is in need of repair.

Your thermostat should be like the video game controller of your HVAC system, it’s how you interact with it. It should feel almost seamless–you choose the temperature, evaluate how the system is working, and leave it when you feel comfortable.

It’s Durable

A great air conditioner or heating system will last well into its 10th year of service while still running efficiently. Also, you shouldn’t need more than one repair every once in a while, otherwise the system has some intricate issue that might require replacement.

Overall, it’s important to have an HVAC system that makes you feel confident that your home will be comfortable for years to come.

Schedule an appointment with Ace Hardware Home Services for help with your HVAC system. It’s time to Call Ace Hardware Home Services!

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