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Serving Belmont, Lake Norman, and Hickory, NC


Ace Hardware Home Services Blog

Fall Maintenance: Everything You Need to Know

Fall is a time of change. The leaves are starting to change color and fall from the trees. The temperature is starting to lower and it’s finally comfortable enough to sit outdoors and enjoy a day at the park. And, to top things all off, lots of businesses are getting hectic with an influx of calls and appointments, and kids are going back to school.

All of this can seem like a lot, which is why we don’t want to complicate things any further. This blog is going to be a simple one–we’re going to talk about how your life could be made a lot easier with HVAC maintenance in Gastonia, NC. We’ll also briefly touch on why September is the perfect month for this service.

No, don’t worry about doing anything right now. Just keep reading and perhaps you might pick up the phone and give us a call to schedule an appointment after you’re done!

A Lot of Benefits From a Little Investment

Maintenance, when compared to other HVAC services like repair, doesn’t cost very much. It’s a low, yearly amount that you can pay to be part of our maintenance club where we’ll provide you with a tune-up when it’s most convenient. For how little this cost is, the benefits are surprisingly numerous.

Let’s start with longevity. Everyone wants their air conditioner or heating system to last as long as possible. It can be several thousands of dollars to replace this kind of technology, so another year of a working heater means savings on your part. Maintenance is proven to increase the lifespan of your heating technology so that it lasts as long as its supposed to, while doing so safely.

During maintenance, we’ll also provide you with a safety inspection which can be crucial if you own a gas furnace. Inspection lets us find repair needs and problems that are slipping under the radar. If they’re simple enough, we can fix them right off the bad. With this inspection, and a dutiful cleaning of your heating system, it’s very difficult for anything to slip under our noses.

And don’t even get us started on fuel or energy efficiency! Maintenance is going to ensure that your system is working as efficiently as possible, which means consuming the least amount of fuel or energy on its regular cycle. This means less money out of your wallet with a home that feels just as comfortable as it should.

So, Why September?

Why is September maintenance month? Well, here’s the gist of it.

The summer is full of AC repair calls that can be emergencies, especially when there are record-breaking heatwaves. The winter is also full of heating calls that can be emergencies. Fall is the perfect time for a tune-up because temperatures are mild and our schedules are open.

This means that we can schedule a maintenance appointment at your convenience and we’re not in a rush to get it done. Remember, as long as you have maintenance done at some point this year, then you’re fine.

Schedule maintenance with Ace Hardware Home Services. Making your day better is what we do best!

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