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Ace Hardware Home Services Blog

Protect Yourself From the Cold

Walking outside of your home, it would probably be hard to tell the difference between your neighborhood and the Siberian wasteland. With temperatures reaching almost the single digits, this cold spell has gotten quite a grip on our everyday lives. Luckily, you’ve got a powerful heating system that can make your home feel comfortable until the weather finally warms up this year.

But is there anything else you could be doing for your home comfort? What if we told you there were a few secrets that could make all the difference while temperatures are so cold?

Well, the truth is that there are, but you might also consider investing in HVAC repair in Charlotte for your heating system. Our heating technicians are specialists in the industry, and we can get even the most worn-down system to keep working for just a few more weeks while temperatures are reaching record lows.

Keep reading for some more tips on what you can do to stay warm.

Make Warm Food

There’s a very good reason why people consider the winter season as “soup season.” Warm foods like a good chicken noodle soup or a stew are excellent at keeping you feeling warm and full. Water holds onto heat exceptionally well, meaning it can stay warm as you eat it and make you feel comfortable for a lot longer.

Think about enjoying a hot cup of tea or coffee in the morning as you wear comfortable clothes. These can make a cold day feel cozy!

Change the Air Filter

If you’ve got a forced-air heating system like a furnace or a heat pump, then it definitely has an air filter. These components require changing every 1-3 months due to the fact that they can get clogged up with dust, dirt, debris, pet dander, and other contaminants. A clogged air filter is going to stifle your heating unit and cause your bills to rise, as well as potential discomfort.

On such a cold day, discomfort from a clogged air filter can be bad. Make sure you change the air filter regularly, or right now if you haven’t in a while.

Exercise Helps

Moving around gets your blood flowing and increases your heart rate. Since the human body already creates a substantial amount of heat, exercise could warm you up a lot more than you might realize.

Also, when blood starts flowing to your extremities like your fingers and toes, your home can feel a lot warmer than it actually is, making you more comfortable and less worried about the cold front that’s here. Just remember to bundle up if you decide to exercise outdoors!

Blankets, Sweatshirts, and More!

Nothing beats the cost-effective and warming nature of a simple blanket. Whether it’s made from knitted wool, flannel, or some other kind of material, you’re going to feel nice and cozy with an extra layer.

Sweatshirts are also a great idea when temperatures get this cold. Just because you’re indoors, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have to bundle up! Wearing warm clothes can be a great way to save money on your heating bill while still staying comfortable.

With Ace Hardware Home Services, you can get maximum comfort at an affordable price. Schedule online or Call Ace Hardware Home Services!

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