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Serving Belmont, Lake Norman, and Hickory, NC


Ace Hardware Home Services Blog

The Smart Way to Handle a Heatwave

You’re likely aware of the fact that temperatures are reaching all-time highs throughout the country. Here in North Carolina, things are no exception! We’re getting powerful heatwaves mixed with uncomfortable bouts of humidity, often in the same stretch. This means that our air conditioners are running on full blast most of the time.

However, your air conditioner isn’t the only tool you have in the toolbox to fight against the heat. It’s the most powerful one, sure, and for that you should schedule AC maintenance in Gastonia, NC with our team. AC maintenance, even when late, will be a huge boon to your AC’s efficiency and performance. But even if your system is in perfect shape, there are still some strategies you can employ to reduce your overall energy consumption and remain more comfortable on hot days.

Here’s our guide to staying cool and comfortable on the hottest days of the year.

Keep Your AC Running Smoothly

In order to stay as cool and comfortable as possible on a hot day, we need to ensure your “star of the show” is getting all the attention it deserves. Yes, we’re talking about your AC!

Here are three great tips that could help improve its performance.

  • Change the air filter. Your air conditioner comes with an air filter that needs to be changed every 1-3 months. By doing this, you’ll improve airflow and make the job easier on the system.
  • Set a moderate temperature on the thermostat. 60 Degrees might feel better in your home, but your AC won’t be able to efficiently reach that temperature on a hot day. Try setting the temperature to the upper 70s, or the highest point possible where you still feel comfortable. This will let it work more efficiently and effectively.
  • Schedule maintenance. Schedule a tune-up so one of our technicians can give a thorough inspection of your system. We’ll adjust it to ensure it’s in great shape.

Use Other Self-Cooling Methods

Your AC isn’t the only one working hard to stay cool this summer. Here are a few tips that could leave you cooler and more comfortable.

  • Stay hydrated. Human beings require a lot of water during the hottest days of the year. We use sweat evaporation to relieve ourselves of excess heat and to avoid heatstroke. Make sure you drink plenty of water.
  • Wear light clothing. Sweatshirts might fit your look better, but shorts and a t-shirt will be the best option on a hot day. Light, loose-fitting clothing will allow air to flow and sweat to evaporate more easily.
  • Avoid sunlight. Shade can be many degrees cooler than direct sunlight. Use those blinds and curtains to keep sunlight out of your home so it remains cool.
  • Limit outdoor exposure. Going for a hike might sound really fun, but when you’re far away from air conditioning and in direct sunlight (or even if you run out of water), it’s a quick path to heatstroke from there. Be sure to limit your outdoor exposure so you don’t burn or get overheated quickly.

If you need extra help this summer, just Call Ace Hardware Home Services. Schedule an appointment with Ace Hardware Home Services today!

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